Questo perché il duo siculo-milanese di stilisti gay-di-destra – mia considerazione personale – non spende più per pubblicità sui magazine gay.
Gli stilisti italiani Dolce &e Gabbana spendevano molto in pubblicità nei media gay, e le loro campagne omo-erotiche hanno sempre trovato posto nei nostri magazine quando gli altri le rifiutavano. Aaron Hicklin, di Out, lamenta ora che D&G non paga più i suoi clienti: “Direi che Diesel deve molto del suo successo iniziale ai gay, csi come Prada Sport. Anche American Apparel, Volkswagen, e l’intero network Bravo. E, anche a rischio di sembrare status-obsessed, si può dire anche qualsiasi marca di vodka. A parte c’è il caso strano di Dolce & Gabbana, un brand con un gran numero di sostenitori tra i gay ma che non ricambia con pubblicità sui media gay.. Non so dire se dipende dal fatto che loro considerino il mercato gay come per scontato ma viste le immagini omoerotiche delle loro campagne pubblicitarie, ci sembra na opportunità persa.”
Consiglio di leggere l’articolo – che trovate sotto – che parla di sostegno alla comunità GLBT e di sponsorizzazione al PRIDE, e di chiedersi pure:
un simile discorso, avrebbe senso farlo in Italia? Sarebbero in grado i froci nostrani di rinunciare anche ad una sola mutanda griffata D&G?
The Italian designers were once big spenders in gay media, and their homoerotic ad campaigns found a place among us when other magazines turned their backs. But as Out's Aaron Hicklin complains, D&G is no longer a paying client: "I would say Diesel owes a lot of its early success to gay men, as does Prada Sport. Also American Apparel T-shirts, Volkswagen, and the entire Bravo network. And, at the risk of making us sound utterly status-obsessed, you can add just about any premium vodka brand. Then there's the odd case of Dolce & Gabbana, a brand that has a big gay fan base but no longer reciprocates by advertising in gay media. I don't know if it's because they take the gay market for granted, but given the homoerotic imagery of their campaigns, and often positive gay messaging, it seems like a big missed opportunity."
Indeed. But from their perspective, why pay for something you can get for free? Sure, they won't get two-page glossy spreads inOut without paying for it, and fashion stylists might choose another label's belt or slacks for a photo shoot (knowing D&G isn't supporting their publication), but it's not like D&G is suffering gay love.
The gays still fawn over their bags, jeans, shirts, and suits. They don't spend withQueerty, and yet we give Stefano and Domenico plenty of free press. We give their models free press. Hell, we even give theiradvertising free press.
We rationalize like so: These are two mainstream gay designers — fashion celebrities — and thus they deserve our coverage. Would we appreciate it if they helped fund our paychecks? Yes.
Two years ago, D&G was marketing its watch line with homoerotic storylines (in addition to straight ones). Its print ads are still filled with plenty of nude male models and sexuality criss-crossing. But now those ads appear in more tolerant, high-brown fashion books, rather than more accessible, gay-targeted rags.
But their support of gay media? Diminishing. Adds Hicklin: "Italians do seem to have a deeply conflicted relationship to homosexuality that goes back to classical Rome. We actually sent a writer, Michael Joseph Gross, to Italy some years back to write that very piece. But, still, Domenico and Stefano used to advertise in Out, and even appeared on the cover some years ago, so their retreat from gay media is disappointing."
We've previously discussed whether an advertiser's support of the gay community — through advertising, or even pride parade sponsorship — makes a difference in your support of their brands. But what about a company like D&G that used to fund the very type of gay media you're reading right now, but has since opted to abandon it. Is that a brand still worth supporting? (fonti: -
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