Dolce & Gabbana vestiranno Kylie Minogue per il nuovo tour

E 'ufficiale. Dolce & Gabbana stanno preparando i costumi per il nuovo tour di Kylie Minogue 'Les Folies'. 

Kylie ha dichiarato oggi: 'Rehearsals are well underway and the show is shaping up to be more than I could have wished for. All departments are doing a stellar job and the combined level of expertise is nothing short of mind blowing. My friends, Dolce&Gabbana have designed an amazing wardrobe for me. I'm overwhelmed with the love and talent that is going into this tour and I can't wait for my fans to be part of it.' (fonte: swide)
(sopra un abito e un bozzetto di una 'vintage exibition' di Kylie)

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