Dolce & Gabbana interview sul numero di novembre di Amica Italia
"C'è una nuova energia nell'aria, una energia che ci ha fatto desiderare un diverso tipo di moda: piedi per terra, trasversale e rilassata". L'edizione di novembre di Amica Italia pubblica una lunga lettera di Domenico Dolce e Stefano Gabbana dove danno la loro visione futuristica della moda del prossimo decennio. (fonte: swide)
Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana wrote to us to tell us how they envisage the next decade. Fashion’s new mood? It has an ancient heart and it’s down to earth.
When 2011 approached we felt the need to review these intense first ten years of the millennium, from both a professional and a personal point of view. This is something we felt in the air and it seemed to be a common sentiment shared by many people: ordinary people, authors, artists. The impression we have is that in recent years something has changed deep within society, and therefore in all of us. This famous first decade of the new millennium appears to have changed the cards on the table from all perspectives, so much so that often we have experienced nostalgia for those certainties which we thought to be solid and which suddenly were no longer valid; for everyone and in every field.
The spontaneous reaction to this lack of certainties was to seek comfort where each of us felt most secure: values, traditions, roots. At the same time, however, we could not do without technology and social networks; in other words we could not avoid living in the present. These are concepts and necessities that at first glance appear to be contrasting in nature, but which needed to coexist. We also felt the desire for internet’s immediacy, for the possibility of seeing and communicating everything in the very moment it took place. Social networks, which have now become essential work and life tools, opened up a world of opportunities which up until awhile back were unthinkable: sharing, direct contact with people, exchange of ideas, a kind of openness towards the world which is both profound and intimate, things which we never thought we would have desired, or sought. But after an initial moment of technology indigestion, we are finally “digesting” the benefits which it offers and, therefore, developing a way of using it, albeit with moderation, which is definitely more knowing and targeted.
This was in 2010. 2011 marked the beginning of something even more diverse and new. Everyone and everything was going well, no one seemed to be able to indicate in what direction we were supposed to be looking, and we had developed the habit of accepting situations and ideas in stark contrast with one another; but suddenly we feel the desire to rediscover real principles, those which we were taught as children, traditions which are intricately and profoundly rooted in the history of our country and the desire for authenticity is making a strong comeback. It’s not a rejection of the future, on the contrary. It’s a new way of living in the present, by being certain of the past. This desire began to arise in our subconscious when we were working on the 2010 collections, but the real awareness only came about now. If we think about it, social networks were born because young people wanted to find a different way of belonging, which would enable them to share values and pieces of life, to be recognised by society as individuals, albeit virtual ones. This desire seeped through the internet into real life and we started thinking about how the virtual realm and reality could come together...
Our work as designers makes us always want to be in contact with people, with the street. Because, for us, fashion is not an abstract concept to be admired from a window, but rather it’s something which should be lived on one’s own skin, and it’s contaminated by all that surrounds us: a book, a song, a comment taken from Twitter, the impressions we collect whilst walking around the cities of the world, from New York to Shanghai, passing through London and Paris. We asked ourselves: where is fashion today heading? And we are realising that there is a new energy in the air, an energy which made us crave a different kind of fashion: down to earth, transversal and relaxed. All this isn’t just found in the clothes we create, but also in the way we envisage the act of purchasing: the shop turns into a workshop and there is more human contact with the client. We are rediscovering our values: family, roots, work and loved ones.
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