Keep working with Clemente Russo and Milano Thunder
Dolce & Gabbana Milano Thunder a Champions of the World Series of Boxing 2012. Their incredible victory was based on them being in the shape of their lives. That's down to hard work. Boxing is the best work-out you can do for strength and conditioning and with summer on the way, Swide can give you some of Dolce & Gabbana Milano Thunder's best training techniques so you too can reach peak condition.
Dolce & Gabbana Milano Thunder's Champion boxer and Olympic medallist, heavyweight Clemente Russo demonstrates a series of abdominal exercises you ca do easily. These are a low to mid difficulty exercises, anyone can do them. A boxer's strength comes from the core muscles and they are fundamental to base an overall fitness on. These three simple techniques, done regularly will strengthen your midriff and give you a flatter stomach.
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